Thursday, April 23rd 2020, 3:17 am
Governor Kevin Stitt laid out his three-phased plan to reopen businesses on Wednesday afternoon.
He said he plans to reopen businesses as soon as Friday.
“Let me be clear,” said Governor Kevin Stitt. “We will do this safely, responsibly, and based on the data in our state.”
Governor Stitt is driving this point home - if COVID-19 cases start to go back up - he may re-work this three-phased plan.
“Based on the data, employers should create plans to allow employees to return to work in phases,” said the Governor. “Common areas like break rooms should remain closed when possible.”
Starting Friday, Governor Stitt plans for personal care businesses, like beauty salons, tattoo parlors and pet groomers to reopen - but only through appointments.
He also says grocery stores need to keep their special hours open for Oklahomans at risk of getting COVID-19.
On May 1, he said restaurants, movie theaters, sporting arenas, gyms, and churches can reopen, but only if they can maintain social distancing rules.
“This is important,” he said. “If our hospital and our incident rates remain manageable for 14-days, we will then move to phase two. But only if our data tells us it’s time.”
In the next phase, Governor Stitt said organized sports can pick back up, bars can reopen and weddings and funerals can resume.
However, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt is pumping the breaks for the metro. That’s because OKC’s shelter in place order is different and lasts until the end of April.
The city’s orders takes precedence over the state’s, meaning personal care businesses in OKC will be closed at least until Then.
It's the same story in Norman, and Tulsa. Despite the Governor's plans, each city still has to follow local restrictions.
April 23rd, 2020
February 9th, 2025
January 30th, 2025
January 24th, 2025
February 11th, 2025
February 11th, 2025
February 11th, 2025