Wednesday, November 13th 2013, 9:49 pm
More than a decade of complaining and the death of a young father will now lead to changes to what has become a traffic nightmare.
Neighbors say they are fed up and don't want another person to lose a life. In September, 39-year-old Erron Heise was on his motorcycle, trying to turn into his subdivision going north on Santa Fe Ave. The father of two never made it back to his home.
"This was certainly something that should not have happened. If we had proper traffic control, I don't think it would have ever happened," said resident Kathryn Olds.
People who live off Santa Fe Ave. call it a raceway. Speeds are well beyond the posted limit of 45 miles per hour. Traffic for Kathryn and Benjamin Olds has increasingly become a nightmare.
"Mornings are just hideous. I leave the addition every morning at 7 a.m., and sometimes there's a very long wait before I can turn right, and I wouldn't even consider turning left," Kathryn said.
Kathryn has been persistent, but after 20 years of constant complaints, she and her neighbors have had enough. Heise died two weeks after he was hit by that truck while on his motorcycle. According to Edmond police, Heise stopped to turn into the Trails South addition. He and the pickup, hit head on.
"I felt like this was something I always knew was going to happen," said Olds. "You just don't know when."
"We understand the concern with the intersection, and we've got a couple of options," said Edmond City Manager, Larry Stevens.
Ideally, the Old's and their neighbors want a traffic light, a turning lane, and the speed limit reduced and enforced. Stevens says the city plans to meet with residents to discuss a plan of action.
"Here is the information that has been collected, here are some options that we think might be helpful," said Stevens.
The traffic study for the area will be presented to residents next Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 4 – 5 p.m. at the Planning and Public Works Building, Rm. #104.
November 13th, 2013
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