Amanda's Baby Blog: Date Night Difficulties

Well, this ended up being a much more trying experience than I imagined – and not for Gage.

Thursday, April 19th 2012, 11:28 am

By: News 9

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Our First "Date Night" Without Gage

Well, this ended up being a much more trying experience than I imagined – and not for Gage.

I was really excited when my dear neighbor and friend gave us a gift card to a nice restaurant and an offer to watch Gage while we had a date night. Seeing as though Nick and I haven't had much time for each other (and by much time I mean any), I thought this sounded like a fantastic idea. We'd be gone less than 2 hours and I could leave Gage with someone I trusted; while having an "adult" conversation and reconnecting with my husband.

So I fed Gage, kissed him goodbye and we were off. But I wasn't anticipating what would happen next: tears – and not from Gage. The table they had us seated next to had this adorable baby girl. She was shaking a rattle, giggling, and smiling. It made me miss my little boy terribly – and made me wish we had brought him. And then – of all things - this Frank Sinatra version of Old MacDonald came playing through the speakers! While wiping away a few tears I had to laugh. I never thought I'd be enjoying one of the best steaks I had ever eaten while getting emotional. But it also made me realize how being a mother changes you. It makes you love something so much more than you ever imagined possible. And it made me realize I need to savor every moment I do have with my little guy, but to also enjoy the quiet moments with my husband – because they are far and few between as well.

Funny Moment of the Week

I try to talk to Gage and have "conversations" with him whenever I can (I think I read somewhere that it helps him learn and pick up on things quicker). Well, I think he understands more than I realize. When I was changing his diaper, I recalled to him my thoughts on what happened earlier in the day. I said, "Gage, you made mommy laugh! When daddy was changing your diaper earlier on you gave him the ‘golden shower'. HaHaHa!" As if he thought it was funny, too – he started peeing on me! Luckily I had a pee pee teepee handy so it didn't get much more than my arm wet. But it gave me a second chuckle for the day!


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