Thursday, November 8th 2012, 7:24 pm
A Chickasha woman told investigators on Thursday that she knew her attacker, but did not know what he was capable of the day she says he forced himself on her and threatened to kill her.
The woman told investigators she pleaded for her life as Dewitt Lewis forced himself on the her saying "he was going to kill her" after he raped her.
News 9's Lisa Monahan asked Lewis, "Did you really hit her with a hammer?"
"No, I did not. I'm 250lbs. If I hit anybody with a hammer they wouldn't be walking today," Lewis replied.
Lewis is accused of holding the woman against her will inside a Chickasha home. Court documents reveal the victim's statements from the November 6 attack.
The victim claims Lewis hit her repeatedly with a hammer and was trying to kill her.
"She was is fear for her life," Grady County Prosecutor James Walters said.
Walters says the evidence in the case is consistent with the victims claims.
"She had several knots [and] bruises on her head, a busted lip and she was taken to the emergency room."
Inside the home, investigators found a hammer where the victim says Lewis beat and raped her. Walters filed kidnapping, rape, and assault and battery charges against Lewis.
"The nature of the allegation and the circumstances tells me that he is a dangerous individual." Walters said.
Lewis argues the two were just having rough sex and disputes the evidence against him.
"She is trying to get me in trouble," said Lewis.
Prosecutors say what Lewis told News9 is a common defense in rape cases and there is plenty of evidence for the kidnapping, rape and assault charges.
A judge set Lewis' bond at $250,000. He is also restricted from communicating with the victim.
November 8th, 2012
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