Saturday, September 20th 2014, 10:48 pm
A metro family whose grandmother died recently said her apartment complex won't allow them to get her things out until this month's rent is paid.
They said her rent was always paid on time until she went in the hospital last month with leukemia and died weeks later of a stroke.
In the short time since 77-year-old Mary Massingill passed away, her family said they've been in a struggle with her apartment management.
"It's making grieving very difficult," said Mary's granddaughter Mary Looney.
"We wanted to get her belongings while she was in the hospital but we didn't want to think that if she gets better, she has nothing at home, she wouldn't have a home."
Home for Mary was at Chapel Ridge of Tinker near SE 48th and Sooner Road. It's where Mary paid nearly $700 in rent each month except for September. Rent was due on the 1st, but Mary died on the 2nd.
And now, they can't get in her apartment.
"They said they changed the locks a few days after we spoke with them," said grandson-in-law Roy Ross.
Inside the apartment lies everything Mary owned, including family pictures, dozens of crosses she made by hand, and her late husband's military flag and medals from the Korean War.
But the family said they were told everything would be auctioned unless they paid this month's rent, late fees and present a power of attorney.
"My grandma was a great woman, and I think it would blow her to know that this is such a struggle because I don't think she had any clue how hard it would be," Looney said.
The family held their grandmother's funeral last week. They said they still do not have a death certificate and do not know who is the executor of the will.
The Chapel Ridge management was not available to comment.
The family said they plan to contact the Housing Authority for some assistance in the matter.
September 20th, 2014
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