Wednesday, August 2nd 2023, 10:27 pm
Court documents show a metro man who was arrested, accused of the murder of his ex-wife, harassed her despite a standing protective order.
Related: Court Documents Reveal Relationship Between Ex-Wife, Ex-Husband Who Allegedly Killed Her
In February, Samantha Ainsworth was granted an emergency protective order against her then estranged husband Chase Ainsworth.
While going through a divorce, court records show he violated the order repeatedly.
In two petitions filed in February, Samantha Ainsworth detailed how much she feared her ex.
“Based on the severity level on what the complaint was, the judge issues an emergency order. And the emergency order is in effect right that second, then it's given to the sheriff to serve,” said Oklahoma City Attorney Irven Box.
After her initial request for a same-day protective order was denied, 24-hours later Samantha tried again.
In a second petition Samantha wrote in part, "I came to file for an emergency VPO yesterday [...] My husband has since been harassing me by texting me non-stop."
Related: Oklahoma City Mother Killed Allegedly By Her Ex-Husband Identified By Police
In 31 pages of rambling texts included in the filing, Chase threatened to rape his wife and at times claimed to be God.
Samantha told a judge "I am truly scared he will try and hurt or kill me," and "I am scared for my children's safety."
Despite the order being granted, filings show Chase violated it over and over again.
“If a person, as we saw this weekend, wants to come to a house to the person who has the order, there's nobody stopping them. If you call the police it's already too late,” said Box.
Chase Ainsworth was arrested Saturday after police said he went to his ex-wife’s home and killed her with their two children nearby.
“I think the mistake is in calling it a protective order. Because it essentially does not protect a victim,” said Box.
Ainsworth was taken into custody after he allegedly kidnapped his son. Formal charges against Ainsworth are expected to be filed soon.
Police said neither child was injured.
August 2nd, 2023
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