Thursday, October 2nd 2008, 11:48 pm
By Rusty Surette, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY - Experts are predicting record turnout in the presidential election, but there's already controversy.
A new report, called "Vanishing Voters" claims federal election laws are being broken in Oklahoma. In the report, the Oklahoma State Election Board is accused of illegally purging, or removing voters from the rolls.
Both parties are reminding Oklahomans every vote counts. But a new report by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group says a number of eligible voters will be turned away at the polls in November.
The report claims that 19 states, including Oklahoma, are purging voters within 90 days of a federal election, and that's against the law.
"If you're totally inactive in our election system for 6 to 8 years, you will be purged as an in-active voter," State Election Board Secretary Michael Clingman said.
Clingman said he doesn't understand why Oklahoma is referenced in the report. He said Oklahoma purges its voters long before the federal deadline.
"Oklahoma is very aware of the 90 day rule. We just don't even bump up against that, because we do our purge in February of odd-number years, 18-months before the next federal election," Clingman said.
The election board secretary said whoever conducted the survey must have assumed Oklahoma was breaking the law because the state sets its own purging deadline, one that Clingman said is more reliable than the fed's 90 day deadline.
"Yes, we don't want to risk doing it that late and I would suggest no other state should either," Clingman said.
If you are purged, you can re-register, but if you want to vote on November 4, you must be registered by October 10.
Click here, or the link to the right to read the entire report.
October 2nd, 2008
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