Tuesday, February 24th 2015, 1:22 pm
Testimony is underway in the trial of a man who was killed after being hit in the head with a baseball bat during a brawl at an Oklahoma City ballpark last April.
On Tuesday witnesses who were at the ballpark the night in question testified about what they saw at Boomer Sports complex that night April 19, 2014.
Eric Noyola is on trial facing a murder one charge for killing Ricky Betancur. The jury is composed of six men and six women.
One witness was David Rogers, who identified himself as Betancur's best friend.
Rogers said he was with a group from the “Bad Boys” team.
Rogers said they approached members of the “No Talent” team and that there was trash talking between the two teams. Rogers said Betancur was trash talking and that the other team members from “No Talent” were trash talking the “Bad Boys” and Betancur.
During his testimony, Rogers said, "all hell broke loose, fights going on all around me. Seemed like a war zone."
5/2/22014 Related Story: Man Charged With Murder In OKC Baseball Bat Beating Death
Rogers said he saw Betancur throwing punches and that Betancur was “winning” in his fight. He showed the jury where the fight took place on a large map of the softball complex.
Rogers said he saw Noyola run towards Betancur with a baseball bat and said he heard the most God awful sound he heard in his life.
"Heard what sounded like a baseball bat hit a sidewalk curb," he recalled.
But that was no curb. That turned out to be Betancur‘s head. Rogers described Betancur as “dazed” and that he started asking who hit him.
Rogers testified that Betancur chased after Noyola, hit him in the back of the head with his fist, and Noyola turned around and swung the bat at him.
That bat hit Betancur on the shoulder and the head, but Betancur was able to take the bat out of Noyola's hands. Rogers said Betancur blacked out during part of scuffle and said his head looked like a crater.
Rogers said he told Betancur to go to the hospital and that while they were there Betancur was acting crazy, trying to pull tubes off of his body.
News 9's Adrianna Iwasinski will have more on Tuesday's testimony tonight on News 9.
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