Wednesday, December 24th 2014, 6:01 pm
A Shawnee father says some of his children will have to sleep on the floor this Christmas because their furniture is infested with bed bugs.
He said the bed bug infestation began after he purchased used furniture from a local Rent-A-Center.
It's a problem homeowner Rusty Cross says started back in September. But, a Rent-A-Center spokesman said they have done everything they can to remedy the problem, although Rusty says there's still no resolution.
“I'm done with it. I'm fed up,” said Cross. “I've been run around in circles so much,” said Cross.
Paper work from a pest control company shows Cross's used furniture, he says he purchased from a Shawnee Rent-A-Center, is infested with bed bugs.
That furniture now sits at the curb in front of his home, and he said it's been sitting there for about two weeks.
“We went down to Rent a center, over and over and over again just pleading with them,” said Cross.
Rusty admitted he was given $300 from the store, as well as a free visit from that pest control company. But he said that wasn't enough, and he wanted new furniture that's bed bug free.
“I had to resort to this man,” said Cross.
He said he and his girlfriend sleep on an air mattress in a bedroom, while his four children sleep either on the floor, or on a futon in the living room.
“Just imagine your kids being on the floor getting chewed up for two months, by bed bugs,” said Cross.
That's how long he said it took pest control to come out to his home.
“We do three things to help mitigate any bed bug issues,” said Rent-A-Center spokesperson, Xavier Dominicis.
Dominicis said they have extensive steps in place to prevent something like this from happening. He said used furniture that comes in and out of stores is thoroughly inspected.
“We also have a licensed exterminator that visits our stores on a routine basis. So if there is any evidence that there is bed begs in the store, then that's a real red flag,” said Dominicis.
So now, it's turned into a debate on where the bed begs really came from.
“I just want the problem fixed,” said Cross.
The same pest control company is expected to do a follow up visit at Cross's home Dec. 30th. Rent-A-Center's not exactly sure what more they can do.
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