Tuesday, February 2nd 2016, 9:21 am
It's hard to believe it, but spring is right around the corner. That means we'll hear talk about de-cluttering our homes. Here are some spring cleaning tips.
We've found some easy ways to get your closet organized this year. First, get three garbage bags and label them "donate," "tailor," and "consignment." Then take everything out of your closet and put it in a pile.
If you know you're not going to wear it, put it in the donate pile. But if there's something you can't decide on, set it aside and give it some more thought.
Next, stay coordinated. Ask yourself if the article of clothing you're trying to decide on matches three things in your closet. Also, if a shirt has stains or is torn , just toss it out.
Finally if you have clothes that are missing a button or pants that are a little too long, get them tailored.
Experts say waiting to take those items to a tailor will only result in a crowded closet.
February 2nd, 2016
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