Tuesday, August 16th 2016, 10:21 pm
An Oklahoma deer hunter scouting for the upcoming season found more than he expected.
He stumbled upon thousands of marijuana plants appearing to grow wild on a Logan County property.
Deputies and members of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation game wardens spent Tuesday morning removing all the plants.
The deer hunter was out on the property last week when he found the marijuana plants hidden along the tree line.
Tucked back in a field just south of Langston, close to 2,800 marijuana plants grew, hidden for most likely several years before a deer hunter spotted them.
"He said he was surprised. He's hunted out there for several years in the past and said he never found it before, but he said he'd never really paid attention," Logan County Game Warden Lt. Wade Farrar said.
Farrar and Sheriff Jim Bauman were shocked too when following up on the hunter’s find.
They said there were no trails leading to the plants and tall grass provided a concealing barrier to anyone looking for it.
"It looked, what appeared to be a wild grow. Maybe at one time, it was cultivated but it had gone wild since," Farrar said.
Farrar said he thinks many of the marijuana plants were very mature because they were as tall as 8 to 9 feet and as wide as Christmas trees.
Using machetes and their bare hands, men from both departments spent several hours Tuesday morning removing the thousands of plants.
The landowner, who lives in the metro, said several trail cameras are scattered around his 320-acre property, though he’s not spotted any suspicious activity recently.
Investigators say this leaves them with little to link the plants to the person who planted them.
"There's not a lot of evidence to link who ever may have planted them. There's been several years since it's been cultivated," Farrar said.
Investigators disposed of all 2,800 marijuana plants Tuesday afternoon, burning and burying them within the county.
August 16th, 2016
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