Monday, August 7th 2017, 6:42 pm
President Donald Trump's push for immigration reform is being closely watched in Oklahoma.
His latest proposal is designed to reduce the number of legal immigrants getting into the U.S. by 50 percent over the next 10 years.
“The Raise Act will reduce poverty, increase wages, and save our country billions of dollars,” said Trump about the proposal.
The Raise Act weighs an immigrant’s education and language proficiency when deciding if they’ll be allowed to legally come into the United States.
Other factors include age, and the salary made in their job in the U.S.
“I’m scared because you don’t know what’s going to happen, what he’s going to say,” said Foziya Mam about Trump’s views toward immigration.
Mam moved to the U.S. from Kurdistan two years ago. She is seeking asylum due to the threat of ISIS in her home country.
“You are always nervous, you never know what's going to happen,” said Mam about the country she used to call home.
Mam has a college degree and had a government job in Kurdistan for nearly 15 years, but under the Raise Act point system she wouldn't have enough points to come to America.
As she waits for her asylum case to be heard, she’s been told her visa will keep getting renewed. Meanwhile, she’s working part time and expects to get her driver’s license this week.
“To be free, to live here,” said Mam about her American dream.
August 7th, 2017
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