Monday, August 21st 2017, 2:55 pm
An Oklahoma City family says their special dog was stolen, and the owners have the alleged crime on camera.
Surveillance video of the Saturday dog napping showed the dog, a miniature silky wire haired Dachshund named Fiona, out near the road on Regina Avenue. The car, possibly a maroon Seabring convertible, pulled up. The driver opened her door, called Fiona over, grabbed her and took off.
Fiona's owners said she had just been given a bath. They took off her collar to dry her when she was snatched.
They said if the woman was trying to rescue Fiona, she would have knocked on some doors instead of driving off.
"All she had to do is honk the horn or something,” owner Justin Tyler said. “We were literally right out back here. There's houses across the street if she thought the dog belonged over there. It looks like she had bad intentions."
What makes Fiona such a special dog is she is the seeing eye dog for the Tyler's other dog, Fallin.
"She's 16-years old and she's deaf and blind and Fiona leads her around. We holler for her, she brings her to us. Now she's lost. She don't know where she's at half the time," Tyler said. "Fallin probably wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for Fiona because she was losing weight and just slept all the time.”
Owner Carrie Tyler added, “I'm telling you, Fiona kept her going and loved her and at night would clean her like she was cleaning her to tuck her into bed."
The Tylers said Fallin misses her friend, and they miss the little dog who is such a big part of their family.
"It's not a value thing, it's a heart thing,” Justin Tyler said. “We need the dog back to complete us."
August 21st, 2017
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