Monday, January 8th 2018, 11:09 pm
Is this Oklahoma's United Airlines moment?
In 1991 United Airlines was searching for the best place to build a huge new jet maintenance facility with more than 7,000 new jobs. Dozens of cities across made their best pitch, tax breaks, free land, cash.
It came down to Indianapolis and Oklahoma City, they picked Indy.
You know why?
They said none of their people wanted to live here, OKC was dead.
But Mayor Ron Norick had a plan to recreate the City, and MAPS was born.
Many were skeptical it would work, some said Oklahoma Cityans wouldn't tax themselves to save their city.
But with Norick casting the vision and boldly leading the charge Oklahoma City, residents said "we can do this”, and OKC has become a model for withering cities across the nation.
Now our state is withering.
Teachers are leaving, roads are falling apart, out of state companies look at school districts reduced to 4-day school weeks to save money, and say why would we want to live there?
So, who are the bold legislators who are going to take on this budget crisis and use it to lead our state to its renaissance?
Now is not the time for bickering or party politics, we need statesman who will cast a vision of what Oklahoma can be, and how we can all help get it there.
Oklahomans will answer the call, who will step out and lead the charge?
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's My 2 Cents.
January 8th, 2018
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January 24th, 2025
January 24th, 2025