Wednesday, January 9th 2019, 12:01 am
The government shutdown over President Trump's demand for more border security and a wall, is as much about the presidential election next year as anything else.
Here's what you had to say about it:
Anita first, "Kelly I totally agree! It's a stall to get their way! I do not think it will keep him from being re-elected."
Rita writes, "If you cave again, it only gets worse! Stop kicking the can down the road and fix the border once and for all! Go President Trump!"
But Nicholas in Midwest City says, "He painted himself into a corner with this wall nonsense. And now he's being held accountable for the first time in his presidency. And he doesn't like it and neither do his supporters.”
Rickey in Norman, "Why should me, as a tax payer, have to pay for something I don’t want? I have an idea, all you haters pay for it. It’s all about hate.”
Nellwyn in Alva, "I love President Trump. Keep the criminals out of our country. Let the legals in, ban the illegals."
Amy says, "Anyone who looks at the data, knows we don't need a wall. He's trying to win re-election."
Finally, Beverly in Shawnee writes, "It has nothing to do with a wall, but everything to do with their hatred for the president! The Democratic whiners have no idea what's about to happen to America."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's Your 2 Cents.
March 31st, 2020
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February 9th, 2025