Thursday, September 23rd 2021, 6:39 pm
Many Oklahoma seniors are having to go without the basic necessities. Things like a bed to sleep in or a comfortable chair to help with back problems.
The Salvation Army is stepping in to do what they can do to help.
“We’ve walked in, and we’ve seen some of the seniors that are 90 years old sleeping on a blow up mattress,” said Diane Muguire, senior program manager with the Salvation Army.
Sadly, the blow up mattress was the best-case scenario, because many of the seniors were sleeping on the floor.
So, through a grant with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation the Salvation Army began to help.
“We were able to provide a bed, where they had nothing to sleep on, a chair where they had nothing to sit on and a little small table and chair set so they would have a place to eat,” said Muguire.
They helped to turn an empty apartment into a home. Carol Wedel has degenerative disc disease and is in constant pain. She got the surprise of her life when they delivered her brand-new recliner.
“I immediately sat down in it, stretched back in it, and the pain in my lower back was eased,” said Wedel.
The only chair Wedel had in her residence before the recliner was a desk chair that wasn’t helpful with her condition. Her life is so much better with her new recliner.
For Dianne, taking care of Oklahoma’s seniors is fulfilling but she realizes there are still seniors sleeping on the floor.
“I am grateful that we are able to meet the need, I’m also more aware of how great the need yet is,” said Muguire.
Unfortunately, the grant money for this program has run out, however they do expect more grants and have other programs specifically targeted to help senior Oklahomans.
Contact the Salvation Army to see what is available.
September 23rd, 2021
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