Monday, July 20th 2020, 4:58 pm
If a group called Unite Norman receives enough signatures to recall the mayor and four City Council members, the City of Norman's attorney said timing would determine the next steps for a recall.
"Under our charter, if a recall is successful; so they have obtained enough signatures of recalled voters' eligible voters in those wards; then we have to call an election," said Kathryn Walker, the City of Norman's attorney.
But the City must check the signatures first.
"We are going to have to go through the signatures and make sure they are registered voters, match up the addresses with the wards they signed for," said Walker. "So, that will take some time."
The group has until August 14 to gather 25% of each public officials' ward.
If that happens before the deadline, they could have an election in November alongside the presidential election.
But if the signatures are turned in at the deadline, the election could be delayed until January, which is one month before the general municipal election.
Officials said a January election will cost the city thousands of dollars.
"It costs I want to say $30,000 to $40,000 for a special election, but our charter requires we call one," said Walker.
But February is still a general municipal election, and City Council members can file for re-election.
"Our filing period for the re-election is in December, so if there is a January recall election, then there are a chance people in office now file for re-election and get recalled in January, making them ineligible to serve," said Walker.
If the petitions receive enough signatures, the city councilors would be added to the recall ballot, but residents in their ward would still have to vote in the special election to officially remove them from office.
Tevis Hillis, a proud Oklahoma native, anchors the weekend morning news. She also covers breaking news, education, and topics relevant to people in their 20s for her weekday audience. In addition to her on-air role, Tevis is an adjunct professor for OU Nightly, mentoring over 160 students each semester.
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