Thursday, September 15th 2011, 11:06 pm
Havonnah Johnson, News 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A new app is making it easier for parents to keep a closer eye on what their children are doing online and on the phone. It's called eye Guardian and it's helping parents make sure their children aren't being bullied or receiving sexually explicit material.
The app was actually created by a father whose daughter received a pornographic text from a classmate. The dirty text prompted two dads to team up and create Eye Guardian, an app that can't stop sexting, but it will send concerned parents an alert.
"All you need is an email address, a few mouse clicks, and your child's password and you're in," says Steve White, CEO of Eye Guardian.
"Whenever content shows up on your kid's mobile phone we will flag it. We look at images. We look at messages, and we look at friends," he said.
When the Eye Guardian app finds inappropriate behavior, it sends a text or an email to alert parents of foul language, nudity, or key words associated with cyber bullying.
Anthony Thomas let us watch over his shoulder as he kept an eye on his 15-year-old's Facebook page.
"I wanna know who these boys are, who this is! Who is this?" he said.
Thomas found a few questionable posts.
"I'm gonna knock Toni out!"
He also found a few pictures on his daughter's page that raised an eyebrow.
"At my age," he said, "that is pretty explicit for kids to be putting that type of material online on Facebook here. It's a little disturbing."
And that's the point of the Eye Guardian website--to alert parents to prevent their kids from becoming a statistic
The creator of Eye Guardian says one in two kids are involved with inappropriate online behavior or cyber bullying. One in four are involved in nude sexting.
So, is Eye Guardian spying or protecting your kids?
Thomas says, "It is a very useful tool. I will use it more often.
The CEO of Eye Guardian said this is the only product that can actually see images and videos.
Parents will need their children's passwords in order to receive the text alerts.
Eye Guardian is currently available as a free download for computers and the Android. White said the app for the iphone should be available soon.
September 15th, 2011
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