Monday, February 16th 2009, 11:45 am
OKLAHOMA CITY -- KWTV NEWS 9 has ceased analog broadcasting and started digital transmission this afternoon.
Viewers with converter boxes will need to rescan to pick up the new signal. For more information on setting up your converter box or questions about DTV call the FCC at 1-888-225-5322.
AARP also has established a hotline to help people with the transition. Their number is 1-877-698-8068.
While rescanning is the first step you may have to take it a bit further. In addition to the scan you may need to adjust your antenna for the best signal reception on channel 9. If your television or converter box allows you to add a single channel it will usually give you a signal strength meter and you can adjust your antenna while watching the meter. That usually is all it takes.
If that doesn't work, and you live on the outer edges of our coverage area you may need to have an outdoor antenna, and may even need an amplifier.
"This is just part of the transition," said David Griffin, CEO of Griffin Communications. "We started in 1953 with black and white, and then we moved in the 60s to color.
Now, almost 50 years later, NEWS 9 moves into high definition, which will mean better sound and video quality. After the change, viewers receiving analog singles and using an antenna will not see a picture.
"When we switch, we'll be turning off our analog channels," said NEWS 9 Engineer Julie Cameron. "People who have an analog television are going to lose that signal unless they have a converter box, or a satellite or cable service."
Converter boxes have been selling quickly as people prepare for the switch.
All stations were originally scheduled February 17, but Congress pushed the date back to June 12. NEWS 9 will proceed with switching to digital on the original date of February 17.
"I really didn't feel comfortable saying we were going to switch in June," Griffin said. "It's kind of in the middle of severe weather season. I would rather not do that in severe weather season."
Those who are still in need of a converter box coupon can call 1-888-388-2009.
On the Web, is the most comprehensive DTV Web site.
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