Monday, November 25th 2024, 10:43 pm
A man who applied to become a metro police officer was charged with possession of child pornography, according to police.
Police said Edmond resident Braden Robertson, 22, made a confession and launched an investigation.
Polygraph tests are often held during police hiring procedures. That’s when police said Robertson admitted to his crimes. Edmond Police public information officer Emily Ward said her office got a call from another police department.
“It is quite a thing to admit to,” Ward said. “He had disclosed some information on his preemployment polygraph exam.”
At the end of September, a metro police department interviewed Robertson for its academy. Ward said many agencies, including her own, require polygraph tests to learn if they can trust people who could be sworn in roles to defend and protect a community.
“The polygraph process is no joke,” Ward said. “That’s pretty standard. You really do find out who people are.”
News 9 did not name the agency that conducted the interview because officials inside the department said Robertson stood no chance of becoming a police officer.
Investigators said Robertson admitted to the hiring lieutenant that he viewed child pornography.
“It’s extremely serious,” Ward said. “People think they’re just alone at home and they’re not committing a crime because they’re just looking at pictures, but they’re contributing to the exploitation of children.”
According to a police report, Robertson admitted to downloading material including girls ages 12-17.
“This was referred to our crimes against children task force detectives,” Ward said. “They were able to locate child pornography in files on the computer.”
Ward said strict hiring procedures exist to prevent people who break the law from defending it.
“Luckily we were able to find the evidence and get him placed under arrest and into custody,” Ward said.
Robertson faces Aggravated Possession of Child Pornography. That means he is charged with possessing one hundred or more materials of child sexual abuse. If convicted Robertson could face up to life in prison.
Jordan Fremstad proudly joined the News 9 team in December 2022 as a multimedia journalist. Jordan is a three-time Emmy-nominated multimedia journalist who began his broadcast journalism career in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Jordan grew up in De Soto, Wisconsin. Jordan comes to Oklahoma City after four years with La Crosse’s CBS affiliate WKBT News 8 Now.
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