Monday, August 25th 2008, 5:12 pm
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Congresswoman Mary Fallin announced Monday she has been asked to speak to the Republican National Convention on its final night.
She will speak shortly before GOP presidential nominee John McCain makes his acceptance speech.
"It's a real honor to be part of the final session's program," Fallin said. "Early in the planning process, the convention organizers asked me to be part of the run-up to Senator McCain's acceptance speech. They asked us to keep that secret until the final convention program was determined. I look forward to representing Oklahoma at the podium on this historic night."
Other speakers on the schedule include Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida and McCain, convention officials said.
"The theme for the final night is peace and the need to defend America," Fallin said. "They have asked me to address issues related to terrorism, with some discussion of how Oklahoma responded so well to the bombing in 1995. It's an opportunity to tell our story to the nation and to remind viewers that the Oklahoma standard we displayed 13 years ago is really an American standard of helping others and standing together in difficult times."
Fallin said it's a privilege to represent Oklahoma.
"You are a small part of history," Fallin said.
August 25th, 2008
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