Venus Closure Procedure

Do you find yourself only wanting to wear pants that cover up the ugly veins in your legs? You may be surprised to hear there is somewhat of an easy fix. Dr. Kathylee Santagelo came to the NEWS 9 studio with more on "Venus Closure" procedure.

Thursday, February 4th 2010, 3:29 pm

By: News 9

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Do you find yourself only wanting to wear pants that cover up the ugly veins in your legs?

You may be surprised to hear there is somewhat of an easy fix. Dr. Kathylee Santagelo came to the NEWS 9 studio with more on "Venus Closure" procedure.

What: Community Hospital's Love Your Legs FREE Vein Screening Event

When: This Saturday, February 6th, from 9 AM to Noon

Where: Community Hospital's Multi-Specialty Clinic, located inside the Fountain Park

Medical Plaza building, 3110 S.W. 89th Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 200B (SW 89th, just east of I-44) 

For More Information: 405-602-8100 or the Community Hospital Web site.

Who Can Attend: Anyone who suffers from swelling or pain in the legs, discoloration, spider veins, varicose veins, venous reflux or any other signs of circulatory problems in the legs.

Who Will Be Performing the Screenings: Community Hospital's Dr. KathyLee Santangelo, a Board Certified cardiothoracic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of vein diseases using minimally invasive techniques.

About Vein Disorders

About 75 million Americans suffer from a vein disease and don't even know they have one, even though symptoms can sometimes be painful. Many times, significant relief can be achieved with a few simple treatments. While some vein disorders like spider veins and varicose veins pose no major health risks, others including venous reflux and venous leg ulcers can cause significant complications if left untreated.

Spider Veins

Spider veins, medically known as telangietasias are dilated capillary veins less than 2 mm. in diameter. They are small blue to red appearing blood vessels that lie close to the surface of the skin and occur either in lines or web-like patterns. They are usually visible on the legs but sometimes are visible around the nose and lips and are commonly referred to as "broken veins." While they can ache, burn or itch now and then, they are usually not symptomatic. Spider veins are not harmful and are simply unsightly.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are rope-like blue vessels under the skin, usually ¼ inch or larger in diameter. They are most often branches from the saphenous trunk veins, and have enlarged due to the excess pressure in the saphenous system.

Varicose veins are unsightly and often painful. A clotted varicose vein causes a condition called phlebitis, in which the skin overlying the site of the clot becomes hot, red and painful. Besides the visible symptoms, physical symptoms include tiredness, restless legs at night, heaviness in the leg, pain, aching, itching, throbbing and swelling, burning or a cramping sensation.

Leg Swelling (Edema)

Beyond the purely cosmetic concerns about spider veins and the pain, fatigue and discomfort that result from varicose veins, venous reflux is a progressive disease that can lead to other, more significant circulatory problems as it worsens. Swelling of the leg is a further sign that damaged or diseased vein valves are not functioning properly. Since the blood cannot be effectively returned to the heart, it pools in the leg resulting in higher than normal pressure (venous hypertension), and causes the leg to swell. This swelling is called edema.

Skin Changes

In addition, when blood flow out of the legs through superficial and perforating veins is in adequate, this higher-than-normal pressure can result in damage to the skin. Progression of venous reflux can lead to changes in the skin's color (hyperpigmentation) as well as changes in skin texture.

Venous Ulcers

The most severe stage of venous reflux disease is when the inadequate blood flow results in an ulcer, commonly near the ankle. In fact damaged or diseased perforating veins are the source of venous reflux in nearly two-thirds of venous ulcer patients. These ulcers are raw and painful wounds which may not always be healed using only antibiotics or salves. Our practice is experienced in offering the most progressive approaches in treating patients with advanced symptoms of venous reflux, including venous leg ulcers.

Vein Treatments

After a comprehensive evaluation that includes an ultra-sound examination of the veins, Dr. Santangelo will determine the optimal treatment for each patient's needs based on the findings of the examination.

The Closure Procedure The VNUS® Closure® Procedure, an alternative treatment option to traditional vein stripping surgery, brings state-of-the-art technology to an age-old disease.

The Closure procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Using ultrasound guidance, your physician will position the Closure catheter into the diseased vein through a small opening in the skin. The slender catheter delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy to the catheter, which heats the vein wall. As the vein wall is heated and the catheter withdrawn, the collagen in the wall shrinks and the vein closes. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is re-routed to other healthy veins.

Following the procedure, a simple bandage is placed over the insertion site, and additional compression may be provided to aid healing. Your doctor may encourage you to walk at frequent intervals and to refrain from prolonged standing and strenuous activities for a period of time.

Patients who undergo the Closure procedure typically resume normal activities within a day.


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