Friday, July 10th 2015, 6:36 pm
There's an old saying that big things come in small packages. A metro couple has found house happiness with a state-of-the-art design and determination.
Karl Torp shows us the new trend in this week’s Red Dirt Diaries.
“We made the countertop and we got some stain and sanded it.”
Corey and Jill Hogue's big reveal features design tips worthy of any home improvement store.
“This whole wall is recycled pallets. We added a sliding door we thought was pretty cool.”
All the necessities are here, so too is the extra space for the family members, both big and small.
“It’s just perfect for us!”
Perfect, just not too palatial.
“The layout is 12 by 24. It’s simple. It’s 280 square foot down here. The loft ads another 120 square foot.”
You've heard of little house on of the prairie. Consider this a tiny house on the plains. There’s not a lot space. But this couple has found it has a knack for turning petite to posh.
“It’s nice to select what's important to you and bring that over here and give away the rest.”
The Hogues got the floor plan online, and made too many trips to count to the hardware store buying supplies. With the help of the family, the couple was able to build the home themselves at a price tag around $10,000.
“It’s what we've wanted; to live simple.”
Yes, the couple says this all takes some getting used to. But having no mortgage payment has made things easier to deal with.
“There are no nooks and crannies, but we are proud of it.”
The couple has friend now ready to join the tiny house herd. And they are proof that Dream Houses come in all different sizes.
“You get the accomplishment of building your own home. I don't think there's another feeling like that.”
We're always looking for unique Oklahomans and places. If you have a story to tell, go to and tell us about it.
July 10th, 2015
November 14th, 2014
November 7th, 2014
February 7th, 2025
February 7th, 2025
February 6th, 2025