12 stories were found

Your Vote Counts: Sports Betting, Runoff Recounts, Confidence In Oklahoma Elections

Your Vote Counts: Sports Betting, Runoff Recounts, Confidence In Oklahoma Elections

Your Vote Counts: Tulsa Mayoral Race, New OMES Director And Impact Of Runoff Elections

Your Vote Counts: Tulsa Mayoral Race, New OMES Director And Impact Of Runoff Elections

Districts Across Oklahoma Ask Voters To Approve Multi-Million Dollar School Bond Elections

Districts Across Oklahoma Ask Voters To Approve Multi-Million Dollar School Bond Elections

3 GOP Lawmakers' Jobs On The Line In Tuesday Runoff Elections

3 GOP Lawmakers' Jobs On The Line In Tuesday Runoff Elections

Your Vote Counts: Early Runoff Elections, Ryan Walters OSDE Update

Your Vote Counts: Early Runoff Elections, Ryan Walters OSDE Update

MitchellTalks: Rep. Fugate Discusses Oklahoma's Democratic Primary Elections

MitchellTalks: Rep. Fugate Discusses Oklahoma's Democratic Primary Elections

Your Vote Counts: Primary Elections & Edmond Public Schools Supreme Court Ruling

Your Vote Counts: Primary Elections & Edmond Public Schools Supreme Court Ruling

Tuesday Local Elections Preview: What's On The Ballot?

Tuesday Local Elections Preview: What's On The Ballot?

Elections Results: Oklahoma Voters Go To The Polls

Elections Results: Oklahoma Voters Go To The Polls

Several Oklahoma Cities, School Districts Holding Bond Elections In November

Several Oklahoma Cities, School Districts Holding Bond Elections In November

Local Elections In Oklahoma: Majority Bond Votes Pass

Local Elections In Oklahoma: Majority Bond Votes Pass

Oklahoma City Metro Voters Voting In Special Elections Tuesday

Oklahoma City Metro Voters Voting In Special Elections Tuesday