Tuesday, September 3rd 2024, 4:44 pm
State lawmakers have created the "Oklahoma Freedom Caucus." The ultra-conservative group says it's focused on traditional values and smaller government.
The group was spearheaded by lawmakers on the federal level, who created the “House Freedom Caucus,” and now Oklahoma has become the twelfth state to create the group on the state level.
“We will work together to advance policies according to certain conservative principles,” said Rep. Jim Olsen (R-District 2) Vice Chair, OK Freedom Caucus. “Traditional marriage and family, and all of that leaning heavily on the bedrock of western civilization - which is the bible and biblical principles.”
State lawmakers gathered on the capitol steps Tuesday, to discuss the new caucus. They were joined by Rep. Josh Brecheen (R-Okla.), who serves on the House Freedom Caucus in D.C.
Only five members of the state legislature have publicly joined the caucus this far, including Senator Shane Jett who will serve as the Chairman, Senator Dusty Deevers who will serve as Vice Chair, Rep. Jim Olsen who will serve as Vice Chair, along Sen. Nathan Dahm and Sen. Dana Prieto.
“We are here because we believe in a future where all Oklahomans have a seat at the table and where the god-given values and freedoms, we all cherish are upheld,” said Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), Vice Chair, OK Freedom Caucus.
Most of the discussion surrounded putting tax dollars back into Oklahomans' pockets, specifically eliminating the personal income tax, and lowering property taxes.
“It is our job to make sure that no one who has been given the direction to represent we the people ever use that power or money to run over or erode the freedom of the people who consented to be governed,” said Sen. Shane Jett (R-Shawnee), Chairman, OK Freedom Caucus.
The caucus will be led by Sen. Jett who says his goal in the upcoming legislative session will be to educate his colleagues and provide policy and legal support to members who serve.
“It's specifically about the freedom of our constituents back home who elected us, who expect us to preserve their freedom when we come here,” said Sen. Jett.
According to their website: https://statefreedomcaucus.org/ The mission of the State Freedom Caucus is to “Build on the success of the House Freedom Caucus and help establish and provide the high-level staff, strategy and community conservatives need to take ground across the country.”
Haley Weger joined the News 9 team as a multi-media journalist in August 2022. She came to OKC from Lake Charles, Louisiana. Haley began her career as a producer and multi-media reporter and then transitioned to a morning anchor position. While she was in Louisiana, Haley covered an array of news topics, and covered multiple hurricanes on the coast.
September 3rd, 2024
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