Tuesday, December 12th 2023, 9:58 pm
Reflecting on the voting outcome of the new OKC arena, Mayor David Holt praised the city.
"Tonight, we told the nation, we told the world, that Oklahoma City is and shall remain a Big League City," Holt said.
The new arena will be funded by a 72-month, one-cent sales tax that will start when the MAPS 4 tax ends and will not increase the sales tax rate. The arena will also be paid for with $70 million in MAPS 4 funding and $50 million from the Oklahoma City Thunder ownership group.
"Today it was OKC versus the world, and we won," said Mayor Holt.
Holt won praise from Oklahoma City Thunder chairman Clay Bennett for his "leadership and relentless passion."
Bennett issued a statement late Tuesday night that read:
“We are deeply grateful for the confidence and pride our citizens have expressed in the future of our city. We also appreciate Mayor David Holt for his leadership and relentless passion to elevate Oklahoma City at all levels.
“With this project we will be doing more than just building a world-class sports and entertainment complex, we will be propelling Oklahoma City toward the next generation. This new home for the Thunder will serve as an iconic centerpiece of our vibrant and modern downtown and continue to represent the values of our city and its people.
“As we take the next step in this historic journey, I am particularly grateful and energized by what this means for our city’s young people and the Oklahoma City they will lead and enjoy over the coming decades.”
The city agreed to spend a minimum of $900 million on the arena. The new arena will be built downtown, but the exact location has not been determined.
OK Progress Now, a self-described progressive group that was opposed to the new arena vote, issued a statement Tuesday night as well, saying its work was not done.
Tonight’s result, though not what we hoped for, reflects the democratic voice of Oklahoma City. The influence of the Chamber of Commerce was notable with them outspending us at least 200 to 1.
Key questions about the arena deal’s cost, location, and impact on existing infrastructure still linger. Mayor Holt negotiated the worst deal in the country, that remains the case.
Our resolve for a transparent, fair, and responsible future for Oklahoma City remains undiminished. The journey towards a better city continues.
Related: New Oklahoma City Arena Wins Landslide Approval
Related: Oklahoma City Voters Cast Their Ballots On The Arena Proposal
Related: Party Leaders Unite In Opposition To Arena Proposition
Related: Proposal For New OKC Arena Endorsed By Minority Chambers Of Commerce
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