Sunday, May 7th 2023, 10:17 pm
The victim of an alleged road rage incident in Clinton is speaking out. Lacey Walker said she was beaten and harassed, outside the city's police department, after a driver accused her of cutting them off.
“I was scared for my life, I was scared,” Walker said.
Exit 69 to Clinton isn’t Walker’s usually route home, but on April 21, she hoped it would be the safest.
“I was just thinking, ‘what did I do?’ she said.
Walker said a passenger in another car yelled at her while on the highway, then followed her and her 16-year-old passenger off the exit into town, eventually to the intersection of Gary Blvd. and US 183. While stopped at the light, she said he got out of his car and came through her passenger side window, claiming she cut him off.
“The level it went to was just unreal for me,” she recalled. “He got out, dove through my passenger window over my passenger and grabbed me, I don't know if he was trying to choke me or grab a hold.”
She said she got out of the car and that’s when he headbutted her in the face, all in front of the Clinton Police Department.
“It was almost like Godsend in a sense,” she said. “Two officers were walking out of the door, and I just screamed as hard as I could ‘help,’ and he just hit me.”
Police said 45-year-old Christopher Stephen Cuccias was arrested in the incident. The district attorney’s office has filed assault and battery charges against him. Court documents show the defendant filed a no contact order against Walker, claiming she followed him, yelled at him, and hit him in the face.
“I'm not an aggressor, I didn't want a fight at all,” she said. “If he would have pulled me over and said, ‘hey you cut me off,’ I would have apologized.”
Walker admits she did fight back in self-defense.
“I don't feel like I did anything to deserve getting beat by a man,” Walker said.
Walker said she also filed a protective order against the defendant.
May 7th, 2023
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