Monday, July 12th 2021, 6:14 pm
Pfizer said the company plans to meet with U.S. officials Monday to discuss their booster for the COVID-19 vaccine to discuss their request for an emergency use authorization.
Local doctors are weighing in on the potential of a booster.
A doctor with Integris health said he doesn’t know if booster shots are necessary yet.
He said our focus should be on the people who are not vaccinated and not on people who are already vaccinated.
“I think we are taking our eye off the ball,” said Dr. David Chansolme, the medical director of infection prevention at Integris Health.
Pfizer said its third dose will double antibodies in those who have been fully vaccinated. They also noted the third dose would need to be given six to 12 months after being fully vaccinated.
“I would be perhaps a bit surprised if the FDA or the CDC came out with the recommendation that everyone receive a booster,” said Dr. Dale Bratzler, OU Health’s chief COVID officer.
Bratzler said he does not believe everyone will need a booster but there could be specific groups that would benefit from one.
“There may be some elderly or someone who has an underlying health condition that are at a great risk of disease.”
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