Sunday, May 12th 2013, 6:16 pm
A man who will celebrate his 105th birthday Monday, May 13, decided to mark the occasion at the race track, but he wasn't gambling. He was working.
Delmar Hopkins of Norman was born in Honey Grove, Texas, in 1908. On Sunday, he and his friends gathered at Remington Park in Oklahoma City to celebrate his 105th birthday. Hopkins works at the race track and has since it opened 25 years ago.
His position at Remington Park isn't his only job. He also works several days a week for a truck rental company. Hopkins says he tried to slow down and retire, but he became bored.
"I tried to go to an old folks’ home, and go out sightseeing, but I couldn't take it," said Hopkins. "I had to get back on the job."
Hopkins says he enjoys staying busy by listening to music and drawing. Hopkins has a 72-year-old son who lives in San Francisco. He says one of his favorite things to do is visit him and go to art festivals. He says his family and friends are often surprised by how active he is.
“They always tease me about working and being a hundred-something years old, ‘cause most people that old are in the nursing home or in the wheelchair. And they’re just amazed to see me up and going. I’m amazed myself. I wonder how I do it sometimes.”
May 12th, 2013
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