Monday, March 3rd 2008, 3:51 pm
By Josh Byler
So I want to begin by talking about having our first interview with Channel 9 the other day. One of the questions that came up went something to the affect of "Does being overweight scare you?" At least that is what I think the question was. Being a guy we don't like to show emotion and we totally don't want to do it in front of strangers, but I couldn't help it. Yes! I am totally scared about being overweight. I have dreams and thoughts of having massive heart attacks and leaving Christyn by herself and it breaks my heart every time. I dream of having strokes because of being overweight and not eating right and I see her having to take care of me and even though it would be out of love that she would take care of me, I would hate to put that responsibility on her. I HAVE TO CHANGE!!! There are no more excuses, there is no more "I have nobody to impress, I am fine with the way I am." You can't think like that. It's ok to like yourself and be ok with what you look like, but it's not ok when you are slowly killing yourself. I am curious though even as I am getting healthy, and will someday be down to an ideal weight; have I damaged my body to the point that even though I may be healthy I am still extremely at risk for heart attack and stroke? Just random questions that go through my mind.
Well now that I started that off on a way bummer note, let me say how excited I am to have this opportunity. I was thrilled when we were chosen to be a part of this competition (which I don't see as a competition, but as a race for two couples to finish first). There is no second place and yeah while the money would be nice and the exercise bike would be cool, is there a better prize than to be 100 lbs lighter and able to wake up in the morning and say "I feel amazing." I cannot wait to reach this since of accomplishment, and be able to see a newer, healthier, skinnier me!
Our workouts are great! If you have never worked out or tried exercising (it can be hard at first) but let me tell you this just in this week of working out with our trainer Liz at Pacer Fitness Center I feel 100% better at night when I got to sleep, than I used. I believe I sleep sounder, and wake up more refreshed than I ever have. I will tell you after Wednesdays workout I felt like Liz totally kicked my butt (and I liked it). It felt good to work hard, and after stretching; I wasn't tired, and when I caught my breath; I was energized. The thing that I am working with Christyn and myself on is "You have to stay positive," I will tell you I get discouraged when I don't see results, but you have to focus on the fact that they are coming, we don't get fat overnight so how can we expect to be skinny in two days? I look forward to blogging to you guys over the next several months and look forward to seeing how the McCurdys and Christyn and I truly get to inspire you, and help you accomplish your new life as well.
March 3rd, 2008
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