Tuesday, May 13th 2008, 10:38 am
I want to begin today by thanking everyone who has had a part in the Metro Fitness Challenge. These last 12-weeks have been an opportunity of a lifetime. It's been a blast to see Christyn and I change physically, as well as mentally during the competition and I am eager to see how much more we can do.
We have our final weigh in at Pacer Fitness tonight, and to tell the truth I am actually kind of bummed about it; Liz, our trainer during this competition, has become a good friend during this competition and it's going to be weird to not see her every Monday and Wednesday.
Okay, enough sniffling about the end of the competition lets talk about where we go from here. I am so close to reaching my goal of being below 300 lbs and it feels amazing. Before the competition started and we even knew we were going to be a part of the MFC, Christyn and I had started to try to eat healthier and be a little more active (New Year's Resolution stuff), but I actually sat down and calculated what I have lost since January 1st and believe it or not I am down a whopping 40 lbs. It feels good and I have the best worst problem that I can have right now and that's that most of my clothes don't fit.
I have developed a friendship with some of the seniors that work out down at Pacer and its fun to see how interested they are in what we are doing. I have a new motto that I take away from the conversations we have in the morning and that is "It doesn't stop here," just because the competition is ending doesn't mean my personal competition to get even healthier is going to end. I hope...no, no I WILL be 100 lbs lighter by December 25, 2008, and I am not stopping till I get around 225, and who knows maybe 200.
I want to be the healthiest dad I can be, when my time for kids rolls around. So thank you again to everyone involved in this awesome opportunity known as the MFC. See you all Wednesday morning at 6:50 am.
There are no losers in this competition!!!
May 13th, 2008
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025