Tuesday, August 19th 2008, 10:40 pm
Last fall, another television network offered up a prime time show that was billed the male "Sex and the City." I tuned in for two episodes and that was all that I could stand. Quite frankly, it was awful and was later cancelled. I called up a buddy and criticized everything about the show, from the plot points to the dialogue. "Men don't talk like that,' I said. "I could write better script." My friend replied "Why don't you?"
And so it began.
That was the challenge I needed to start writing. What started as a script strictly crafted for my own amusement rapidly evolved into a semi-autobiography about my best friends and I growing up in New York City. Ted and I knew each other since we were three-years old. We lived in the same apartment building, worshipped in the same congregation, went to the same elementary and junior high schools and graduated from the same university. He has since gone on to a great career in the legal field.
Alex rounds out the brotherhood. Admittedly, I wasn't very close with him, even though he and Ted were thick as thieves and our families were friendly. We knew each other well and our sisters went to junior and high school together. Today, we're pretty tight. Alex worked as a fashion model throughout college and now has a successful career in finance.
All three of us have maintained a strong bond over the years. Not a week goes by that we're not in touch by phone, email or text message. We've survived weddings, divorces, New York City nightlife and even 9/11.
I worked around the corner from the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks; Ted was three blocks away from me; Alex worked in finance. On 9/11, I called in sick (prior to the attacks) and Alex blew off a meeting in the World Trade Center to go play a few rounds of golf, unbeknownst to Ted and I. We spent several frantic hours trying to reach Alex and once we did, it was quite a colorful exchange. (I can't write what I told him on this blog!)
Through this reflection, I realized that I have quite a story to tell even if it's under the guise of fiction. I have already written about four chapters, which Alex and Ted will read some time next month. Ted is a little leery of the potential book, but I promised both my friends that if they take offense, I won't write another word. I'll keep you posted.
August 19th, 2008
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025
February 9th, 2025