Friday, March 20th 2009, 11:07 pm
By Dave Jordan, NEWS 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Tim Faltin is a life-long gun owner and an avid hunter who is disturbed by the possibility of a gun ban.
"I actually grew up around guns," Faltin said. "My grandfather had guns, my parents had guns. Guns have been a major part of our lives."
He said he's not pleased with the renewed focus on gun control.
"What it means to me is that they're not respecting my rights and they're not trusting me to be a good American," Faltin said.
Gun sales across the nation have spiked amid reports of the Obama administration's plans to re-instate the ban on assault weapons, which the Bush Administration let expire five years ago. H&H Gun Range also saw a sharp increase in sales and foot traffic.
"Well, a lot of them had the same concerns," H&H Gun Range Miles Hall said. "Everybody's just worried that this is a right that going to suddenly disappear."
Oklahoma Representative Dan Boren (D-District 2) sent this letter to President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In it, Boren said he opposes any attempt to reinstate an assault weapons ban, and asked them to enforce existing laws and provide law enforcement with resources to prevent illegal use and transfer of firearms.
Boren is both an NRA member and a democrat.
"There are a lot of pro-gun Democrats that are willing to stand up for the Second Amendment rights," Boren said. "They need to be concerned that they're enough of us that will block any gun control legislation."
Hall said the language in the previous ban was so broad, that 80 percent of the guns and rifles in his store were considered assault weapons, so he's pleased with Boren's bold stand.
"I thought it was a brave move and the right move," Hall said. "Even though he's new up there, it was a bold step for him to be a part of this."
Faltin hopes this issue creates a dialogue and leads to reasonable solution for all parties.
"The problem isn't the guns," Faltin said. "The problem is the people with the guns and if we can reach out to those people and educate them better, than that's really the best way to go."
March 20th, 2009
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