Friday, May 6th 2011, 6:06 pm
Adrianna Iwasinski, News 9
MIDWEST CITY -- The parents of a four-year old girl found wandering through a Midwest City neighborhood in the middle of the night last April now face charges.
Randy and Rhiannon Tosto are accused of child neglect and the mother actually had an outstanding warrant for the same crime in 2004.
Both parents surrendered themselves to the Oklahoma County Jail Thursday and have since posted bond.
It was back on April 19 that the Tostos' four-year-old daughter was found alone and barefoot after she wandered up to a house at three in the morning and knocked on the door.
"I opened up the door and it was this little girl I've never seen before," Midwest City resident Ron Doyle said.
He brought the girl inside and then called 911.
Police questioned neighbors and were able to determine the little girl was the Tostos' daughter. The couple had visited Doyle's next door neighbor looking at a jukebox that was posted for sale on Craigslist.
According to court papers, Randy Tosto admitted they were at the residence and said their daughter had been in his truck sleeping, but that she was never left alone. He claimed he and his wife took turns watching the little girl while the other one was inside visiting.
Randy Tosto posted a $20,000 bond. His wife posted a $30,000 bond which included $10,000 for the outstanding warrant from 2004.
The Tostos' daughter has been placed in DHS custody.
The Tostos' attorney said the parents have been visiting their daughter while she has been in DHS custody and are trying to work with DHS to be reunited with their child.
Their case will go before a juvenile court judge later this month.
May 6th, 2011
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