Thursday, May 26th 2011, 1:20 pm
Originally Published: Jan 10, 2010 5:56 PM CDT
We are not surprised at all with the apparent Pete Carroll to Seattle move. In fact we've been expecting it. Reliable sources have told us off and on now since the first Saturday of the college football season numerous developements that validate their statements to us that the program was headed for inevitable trouble with the NCAA. It was not a matter of if, but rather a matter of when..."probation and serious ramifications with the Reggie Bush deal are's complicated and the NCAA has to have all its ducks in a row before it come close the deal," the source told me.
We've been laying out a scenario of a chain of events that were destined to occur as a result of serious problems within the program in LA. The components of the issues at Troy have been the major part of Carroll's apparent decision to skate back to the NFL. Two serious issues have been evaluated by the NCAA.
The first was the OJ Mayo matter that resulted in NCAA problems that is leaving the basketball program on probation.
The next is the Reggie Bush matter that, as we’ve said for some time now, will eventually put the football program in serious hot water—likely significant NCAA sanctions. There have been complicated issues the NCAA has had to sort through, including a maze with Bush, Mayo, his payoff man, the Bush family, USC and most recently Joe McKnight problem dealing with an automobile (ever notice it’s running backs who are in the middle of the illegal stuff and not offensive guards?)
We’ve suggested Pete Carroll has been protected as much as possible from the explosiveness of these matters. But that can only happen so long. Doesn’t matter if you are Pete Carroll or Barry Switzer, at the end of the day the head coach faces the music. Those un-melodic tunes are apparently in the process of hastening Carroll’s move back to the NFL.
Two more things on our hot stove. One of the multiple sources who has accurately provided information to us both in the past and on this matter tells me Reggie Bush will see his Heisman Trophy taken from him. This LA source tells me he knows a Bush family member who has told him the mother of Reggie often “quite often cries on the phone when she talks with her sister about the Heisman being stripped from her son.”
Parenthetically, two questions that come to mind are, one, does that mean Vince Young would end up with a Heisman as he finished second to Bush in the balloting? And two, does a team get a national championship if USC is forced to vacate wins one of the years Bush allegedly was guilty of his family using a home provided by an agent?
These questions will sort themselves out. Just like the serious consequences of USC’s transgressions. When one domino falls of this significance at this high profile of a program, the college football world can is beginning to hear a one word cry from LaLa Land: Geronimo!
Told you so.
May 26th, 2011
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