Thursday, June 16th 2011, 10:42 pm
Kelly Ogle, News 9
OKLAHOMA CITY -- The MAPS Citizens' Oversight Committee is advising that the convention center should be the first project built in MAPS 3 rather than the last, to generate more money for the other projects. I agree.
Mike writes: "Bring in the projects that will generate revenue first. Leave the projects pandering to the fringe groups like the Streetcars to the very last."
K has doubts: "Now the city can't agree on what to build at what time. Sorry, I don't trust our city leadership--too many hands in too many pockets."
Ann says: "Building the revenue generating projects first would be common sense. But of course, government is not showing much of that these days."
Safe to say Lynda in Chickasha is naysayer: "All MAPS did in my opinion was to make a few, very few, downtown businessmen a fortune for a bunch of old buildings that were basically abandoned."
And Ronald writes: "These MAPS project's are the fleecing of the residents of OKC for special interest."
Ronald, have you seen how downtown is prospering?
Finally, Gary says: "We have a lot of interest from large convention groups that want to come to OKC but we lose out on them because we do not have a facility big enough to host them. They end up taking their dollars to another city."
June 16th, 2011
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