Friday, January 27th 2012, 7:57 pm
An Oklahoma "Band of Brothers" is back together in Blanchard.
The three Wayland brothers live to serve overseas and here at home.
News 9's Jamie Oberg shows us a wife and the boys' mother as they try to keep it together for their soldiers.
"These are my sons. This one is Adam, he's our baby," Donna Wayland said, "This is Brian he's our middle child."
Mom, Donna Wayland shows us her little soldiers, also known as "daddy dolls" designed to look like soldiers and comfort kids during deployments. But the little look-a-likes give a huge comfort to Donna while she waits to hugs her soldiers for real.
"My heart is so excited, and I just can't wait to see ‘em!" proud mom, Donna Wayland said. "Can't wait to see them, both of them, walk through there."
The Wayland family waited anxiously for Private First Class Adam Wayland and Staff Sergeant Brian Wayland to land at Will Rogers Airport Friday.
The Waylands—mom, Donna, dad, Rick, and Brian's wife, Rebecca--have been through a lot.
Little brother Adam is with the 82nd Airborne out of Ft. Bragg South Carolina. He is seeing his mom for the first time since his deployment to Iraq.
Middle brother Brian is with the 45th Oklahoma National Guard unit and was deployed to Afghanistan at the same time as his brother.
Oldest brother Danny also keeps mom on her toes as he serves the community of Blanchard as a volunteer firefighter and takes care of the Waylands' only grandson.
"So many of the 45th lost their lives and I'm so thankful my son is alive," Donna cried.
The reason these two are coming home together is bittersweet and a reminder of the sacrifices soldiers make every day.
"Let me look at ya!" Donna said to Brian who was injured while on patrol in Afghanistan on December 9th. "Oh, gosh, so much better, so much better."
Mom's hug says it all. She does not want to let go of Brian after she almost lost him to an IED blast.
Brian's scars from shrapnel and flames are nearly gone, but he suffered trauma to his brain and his little brother stepped up to help
"I guess I thought God would never allow my boys to be hurt," Donna said. She recalls getting a call that her middle son was hurt, "I was in shock."
Brian continues to get better and will return for rehab and treatment on Monday.
"Had to be hard on her--two boys deployed. Had to be tough, but she made it. I mean we're standing. That's all that matters," said the youngest Wayland, Adam, after stepping off the plane.
This Oklahoma family's hearts and prayers are with all the military families and their soldiers still fighting.
"My heart goes out to those moms who weren't so lucky."
Army wife Rebecca was by her husband's side for treatment in Texas and says she knew what she was marrying into--a great family.
"It's an amazing family and I'm really blessed to have such a wonderful man by my side," Rebecca said.
January 27th, 2012
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