Thursday, December 13th 2012, 10:22 pm
The Oklahoma City school district needs to provide all of the resources to try to get Douglass High School seniors and juniors back on track after a grade-fixing and attendance scandal. Here's what you had to say.
Doug first: "Hey, they have a nice, new shiny school though. When will people realize that bricks and mortar won't fix our education problems?"
KSooner writes: "As a retired OKC teacher-the whole situation is appalling. There are so many people at fault here."
Tonya writes: "As a parent of a Douglass junior and a district employee, this is not an isolated incident. I think all schools need to be investigated."
Soul Sister echoes that: "There needs to be a public outcry for the other schools to be audited just like Douglass!"
Shelly writes: "Just another reason I homeschool my kids."
Finally, Jo says: "The whole community at large needs to step in and offer to tutor reading, math, science. Retired teachers, business leaders, doctors...these kids are the future and they MUST be given the chance to succeed. It will benefit the community at large because they will be more likely to have successful jobs and stay out of crime."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
December 13th, 2012
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