Thursday, February 28th 2013, 10:16 pm
State leaders, not the Indian tribes, came up with the idea and committed to building the big Native American Cultural Center on the Oklahoma River. Now the legislature's balking at the $40 million needed to finish it. I say it's we're in it, finish it.
Leslie writes: "The tribes did not ask for this. You are right on point Kelly!"
David in Choctaw didn't explain his reasoning, but said: "The tribes should finish that money pit!!"
Karen from Newalla says sell it to a tribe: "Let them put a grand casino right in the center of our great city."
Crys from Stratford writes: "It's hard to consider spending this kind of money when our State Capitol is in such disrepair."
Mike from Perry: "I would be glad to tear it down for them, but I would want to be paid in advance."
Stan from Apache: "We are into it way too deep to pull the plug, but any additional funding should include a change of management."
Connie writes: "Get it done along with the repairs on our capital building. They are embarrassing the entire state."
Finally, Rick says: "We will recoup our investment 10 fold and it will add to an already booming tourist economy. It WILL be completed, and we will be a better city and state because of it."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
February 28th, 2013
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