Reporter Notes From Becky Bryan Trial, Day 10

News 9's Lisa Monahan was inside the courtroom Friday as the murder trial for Becky Bryan entered its tenth day. These are her notes and not a word-for-word representation of what was said.

Friday, May 17th 2013, 7:53 pm

By: News 9

News 9's Lisa Monahan was inside the courtroom Friday as the murder trial for Becky Bryan entered its tenth day. These are her notes and not a word-for-word representation of what was said.


I performed their wedding ceremony 

how did you do that? Im an ordained minister

was your family a spiritual family ? yes 

have you conducted funerals? yes, 67 funerals as of last Friday

as part of funerals do you counsel them? yes, thats a big part of the job 

have you seen different variations for how people handle death? yes 

I've done funerals for some good life, bad life,

what kind of things do you see from your areas - regarding emotions?

Everyone handles things in their own way.

some people want you to leave them alone, some want you to hold their hand, some want you to talk to them

after they were married how did the family progress? we took trips together, becky and my wife were like sisters, we spent time together, there were periods of times when we were away that we didn't have those close moments

we heard that keith and becky were married 33 years- i take it you loved keith? oh yes

did you consider him friends? i considered him one of my best friends

how much time did you spend before the shooting? a lot, we went to Branson, we went to golf, we did a lot of things together

you knew of a problem in their marriage? yes, Becky came to us one time. and then keith talked with us about how he loved her

did you know someone else had become involved in the relationship? yes becky told us

did keith know about it ? yes

what was keith's take on all of that ? he loved her would always love her would do anything to keep the relationship -whatever it took he said he would do it - we had conversation after conversation about it 

did you talk to becky about it? somewhat she knew i wouldn't approve and didn't tell me everything - because of my belief standards she didn't relay a lot of the things

during the separation - do you feel like they grew apart? he thought they had. and she thought he was leaving her out of the decision makings. she was very hurt about the decision of the job

after separation did keith want to get them back together? we had lots of conversations about it - he asked what he could do to get her back- we would just talk like any friends would talk but there was also a pastoral talk 

in doing counseling- is it uncommon to see people who grow apart or fall out of love? no 

if they have fallen out of love

in her conversations about keith- did she still love him? yes

what makes you think that ? she said it - but she said she didn't know if she could stay with him because of him leaving her out. He kept to himself about a lot of his decision 

"he always said that becky is the person who brought him to the place he wanted to be in his life"

you knew she filed for divorce at some point ? yes 

at some point they reconciled? yes

after that did you still socialize with them?yes

tell us what you saw? i saw 2 people working on a relationship and both indicated they loved each other

keith constantly said how much he loved her and becky would say i want this to work.

i asked her point blank - do you still love him? and she said yes i still love him,

anytime between that up to this point did she ever wish any ill will on him? no 

did she ever look like she wished ill will on him? no she was always someone to help others - even care for sickly dogs 

talking about taking care of people- were are your parents today? in assisted living, she was their basic caregiver until she no longer could

what do you mean caregiver? she took mom to doctor and did things to the point i could never do- she just took care of just about everything 

is that something she felt like she had to do or wanted ? i could have done it - but she said she could do it and that i needed to be doing other things

she took care of aunt - what was her name  - louise

it is rebecca louise - was becky named after her ? yes

did they have a strong relationship? yes she trusted becky unlike any other

it was her desire that when she could no longer take of herself that becky take care of things.

is she still alive? no 

did you spend time with becky & keith in august - september? we still spent time together somewhat - keith came by and we chatted a number of times in august. we played golf together.

did keith tell you anything going on or anything about the marriage? no, they came over one night and i asked him if everything was going good and he said yeah, right now everything is going great.

when was that  ? 2-3 weeks before the incident

you had any conversations with becky? well that night

no lets not go to that night yet- before then?

no, but it looked and appeared everything was fine

was keith still coming by? he was 2 weeks before

did you have any discussion with keith around sept 19th or sept 20th? he called and left a message saying kent needed a trailer.

did you call keith back and have a discussion with him? i called kent to tell em that i would bring trailer to their house

keith didn't make it sound like it was imperative 

did that cause issue? well yes, becky called and i didn't think it was that big of a problem for it to be a day or so... so i told her i would go get it... that conversation ended up talking about my mothers wedding set that had been given to my wife.

it became a very serious conversation

why was that? becky was feeling that i had been favored and that my wife had been favored. that mom would give my wife something over her.

I was being cavalier and she was being serious

did you then offer becky anything? i told her you can have the ring and the trailer.  we love each other and this is just stuff. she said its valuable - i said you can have it 

was it valuable? it was appraised for $ 9,000

do you know the value in sept? approximately $20, 000

did you part on good terms? i said yes. you can have it and my wife said let her have it - we never knew it was a problem

but did you make up? we we never had a relationship like that we did not fight. so i turned around and called keith that i would bring the trailer out to the house.

i texted her and said i love you, sorry --  and she said i love you

i took the trailer out to their house. 

was that the last conversation you had with keith? yes 

when was the next ? my son called around 1045 saying keith had been shot.

i talked to becky right after i talked to my son

what did becky tell you? she said that a guy came in and shot him and then she gave me the information i'm sorry ma'am he should have given me the job

how was she acting? upset, horribly upset. 

i heard people in the background and i said, hey we are leaving Branson we will be there soon.

you say horribly upset what do you mean? her voice was elevated, her tone, she was not screaming but had a lot of emotion . i thought she was crying on the phone but i couldn't see her.

did she describe the actual physical things that happened to keith? yes

so you and your wife go to medical center? yes

what time did you get there? approx. 4 am

did you see becky? not immediately

do you know where becky was when you got to the hospital? i was told she was in an interview room

where did you first see her? at that waiting room right inside the entrance 

what did you do when you first saw her ? hugged her and said we will get through this

how was she at that point in time? she was in shock she was um not sure what to do not sure how to handle anything that was going on around her. she was being her normal self trying to figure out how to get control over the situation 

did you have any more discussion with her about the media? she said i want the media to know what kind of guy keith was and i need to talk to them and i said becky no.

-she was being becky- becky was a person that would do things you don't want her to do so she could take control of the situation.

my mom was somewhat controlling and you lived by moms rules and all three of us wanted to make our choices. i would talk to my dad... and  becky and tim would try to shock my mom. like one time mom tried to tell becky what she would wear and becky said fine i will just go naked.

was that common - would she say things that were shocking to control? yes

so it did not just manifest that night? no, always- it was just the way we were raised

people in here have said she would say shocking things? its a way she changes a tone or changing a situation she was in. my brother would do the same thing

did you have any other conversations with becky that morning? there was a lot of i love you and she was wanting to do things i didn't want her to do.

she would want to talk to this person or that - she had no sense of direction to me... she was just absolutely in shock

outside on the bench did she say ?she said i'm probably gong to smoke two packs of cigarettes and she knew how i felt about the cigarettes - most times she wouldn't say anything

did she make any statements about where her life was at that point in time?  well she said she didn't know what she was going to do.

she said i just hope from this - she said i just hope something good will come out of this i don't know how i just hope something will come out of this- she mentioned ted wilson getting a liver  from the organ donation.

elaborate on "i don't know what i'm going to do?" she just said she didn't know what she was going to do without him - she was crying and she teared up pretty good and she said i hope i'm not a burden to you.

you said becky wanted to tell about how good keith was - she said she wanted to tell the media and get the word out and so ted could get the liver.

I said don't worry about that i know someone we can call.

you knew a guy called stan? i will call stan miller?yes, we play golf together- he is an ordained minister, i called him and asked him how we need to handle this.

did he come and talk to you? yes 

and did he talk to becky? yes for about 30 mins 

did he want to do an interview with her? no 

who's advice was it not to do an interview? his

i had agreed to talk to the media because the two sons said it would be better if one person handled it

i think it was pretty obvious there was a lot of media attention? yes 

when was the next time you were called? the pastor Jim McNabb called and said he wanted to talk about funeral so we were going to meet at hilton garden inn

was becky staying there? yes and my brother, tim 

how was becky then?still shock - even in front of pastor jim

when he left the room she said can you believe i just lit a cigarette in front of pastor mcnabb 

how was she acting- she was being becky-still in shock still in that mode we saw her in that tuesday morning

did you know becky owned a gun? yes keith came by and told me he was going to get a gun at h&h and becky was real pleased she completed the conceal carry course she felt she needed protection because a realtor out east was getting threatening calls so she knew someone was out there.

did you know another gun was bought at same time?he told me he bought two. 

anytime she went out of town she always kept it in her purse

what about keith?he had a 40 caliber 

where did he keep it? by the bed

do you know if keith sold that 40?he didn't sell it we talked about that but we talked about how he was looking to get something different - in fact he told my brother if he wanted to sell it he would talk to him first 


you still clearly love your sister ? yes

still speak to her on a regular basis? yes 

and she respects your position in the church? yes

would you agree that people act different around you and don't always act normal around you? yes 

and when she was having an extramarital affair she didn't tell you a lot ? she told me about it 

but she didn't talk about it as much as keith did? yes

when did you first find out? keith thought she was having an affair and i told him to confront her about it and then she later told me

how much prior to her filing for divorce did you find out about the affair? 3 weeks/month

how long after keith came to you did she confirm she was having an affair? 2-3 wks

in aug 2009, she had made references that caught me off guard

what kind of remark did she make? it had to do with the job interview in texas that she had really got hurt because he didnt talk to her about it 

but you know keith took your sister to texas? yes

and that on their way back they had breakfast with holbrook?no

so he was involving her in his job decision? not early on -he had already made the decision to go to interview before he told her

When did you learn mark holbrook ending relationship? i think keith told me that mark broke it off, becky said she broke it off

did she say why? cause she wanted to make things work with keith

did she ever tell you she would travel from mustang to hugo to visit him at his house?no 

at his work? no 

to hugo to visit his son at a baseball game?no

went to visit his husband? no 

did she tell you she faked a pregnancy with holbrook? no 

did she ever tell you she had purchased a head stone? no 

did she tell you about other men she had affairs with ?no 

did she tell you about her pursuit for sex with other men?no

did you not know your sister was seemingly having a lot of problems with in the family? problems ---

did you know she was having problems with your mom? not out of the ordinary

would it be out of the ordinary for your sister to believe your mom no longer loved her? no 

its not out of the ordinary?no its not

and she had a problem with not feeling loved by her mom? nor had she for a while

and she had problem with you and your wife? i know how she expressed it.

okay, how? she said she couldn't figure out why mom gave my wife the ring.

and aunt louise would leave it to the family? yes she left to my wife

so she felt like you were the more preferred child? at that moment when she texted that yes

but she was venting about how she did not feel love from mom? yes

and her aunt had willed or transferred to another family member? right 

and to make her feel better you said you would give her the 25k ring ? i did not mean that at the time--i said the ring is not worth it you can have it.

so you said its fine to make her happy? no

but it was not even her moms ring? but you offered to give her your aunts ring

i did not offer her the ring to make her happy - i did it to solve issues in the family

and you are aware she was also having problems with trent and his wife jessie? keith and becky were both having problems with jessica

to the extent that becky was no longer talking to her son? keith had told me he limited the relationship because of what jessie had said to becky.

i want to ask you about the 40 caliber ? 

how do you know the accuracy of that gun if he never shot it - he did tell you he was looking to get rid of the gun? he said once that if he got rid of it my brother would like to buy it 

but you knew he did not like it? he had problem with the grip

you contacted stan miller -you wanted a contact person to go through -who's idea? mine

why did you want to contact stan miller? i thought he would not embellish or take things out of context and needed his advice.

it was so you or your sister could talk with him in an interview?

i needed someone - with not dealing with the media-  to give me some advice

if you were not going to talk to him why did you worry about him taking things out of context? he said no media should interview her

you told the jury it was the reporters decision not to interview with the wife of a murdered fire chief that was getting national attention? yes, he said

i'm not going to interview your sister right now and no news media needs to talk  to your sister right now.

wasn't it your sister's idea originally to talk with someone in the media - and then you said lets contact stan miller? correct 

cause she wanted to get her version out? no, cause she wanted to make sure ted could get the liver and didn't want their to be problems.

before keith was even dead? no after he was dead

when did you contact stan miller ? around 6

keith was pronounced dead at 6- and you thought it was a good idea to contact the media? it was becky's idea

when miller testified the other day he said your sister seemed distraught but only because of the organs-  is that how you remember your sister was distraught?

 i said she wanted to contact the media so ted could get the organs

you said you didn't hear what becky said to stan - so you don't know if she even mentioned the organ donation to stan? i dont know 

you said about 2 or 3 weeks before keith was shot and killed you asked him if everything was good and he said yes? why ask unless you suspect something was wrong?  we were friends we played golf and i wanted to see how things were going

so not specifically about the marriage? no i asked specifically cause i  thought of it often.

you also said after reconciliation you asked specifically do you still love him --why would you suspect she would not?  because a lot of times people get back together for convenience or for the kids. 

but the kids are out of the home? yes

have you had family members die? yes

have you ever heard her say something shocking when they die ? yes one time : when my aunt passed - her son has been a very difficult person for years and becky would always try to help him and when my aunt passed away we did not know what he should get and becky said  "no one has any other rights and your son might not be any  better than he was" and she would do things in opposition.

did she say anything disparaging ? not that i recall

would she laugh about it? not that i remember

you told the jury that your sister makes shocking comments to be in control? yes

the way becky handles things is to say shocking things

the shocking comment you testified to ?

yes, saying she would smoke 2 packs of cigarettes and she knew i didn't like her smoking.

at this hotel - she said  one of the things she did was that she started to smoke? yes i thought it was becky being becky

you said she even said i just lit a cigarette in front of pastor mcnabb? yes

so she was not trying to get a rise out of him? i took it as she was continuing to deal with the death of her husband

but you said she did it for control of him? no control of herself - for her actions and behaviors

were you with her at hotel? yes

do you know she was contacting mark holbrook? no 

did you know she was telling him just days after keith had been shot and killed that she still loved him?no

the shocking statements you say you witnessed in what way are they shocking to you? it goes against the core belief, my opinion , in opposite of what i think to be right

do you have a higher or lower bar because you are a pastor? actually no

it takes a lot to shock you? correct

even with your sister? i'm not easily shocked by becky because i know her 

mr reddick youve known her longer than anyone else ? yes

you have offered to the jury some explanation and you know she likes to shock people? yes

did you know her to say shocking things about her marriage? no 

you never heard her say things about being a great faker? no

back to the ring have you ever heard her she say she agreed with property being more important than life itself? no

have you ever heard her say its going to be difficult to sell the house now that her husband had been shot? no

have you ever heard her make shocking statements about her sexual exploits? no 

have you ever heard her make shocking statements about the size of her husbands penis? no 

didn't tell you her guilt about what she did earlier in the day such as having sex with someone else? no 

and she never made shocking statements about her still loving mark holbrook ? no 

are these the shocking statements she would make? if she thought i would do it without judging her... but she was a little afraid i might judge her


statements about media - to talk with stan miller - it wasn't just becky - the boys were also involved? the boys were surrounded so the conversation was limited

i said kent do you want me to handle any media that comes along and he said please.

and keith's parents? they said yes please we would rather not talk to media right now

a lot going on at hospital - what do you mean? there was a lot of information flying everywhere  i was basically trying to corral becky and make sure she was not recorded and something somehow used against her and i was trying to hold it together with keith laying there

how were kent and trent ? in shock

did they break down? i did not see them with crying or anything like that 

you said someone said (at hospital) someone had been arrested? yes something like that there were 50 people all saying things - information being thrown out.

was this also including the media? no channel 25 pulled there car in thats when i contacted stan miller to ask for help

your mom? our mother loves us and we know it but sometimes we go blank on how mom deals with our faults and inadequacy.

the favorite? i always thought i was the one who took the brunt of everything - she was the baby. i was the oldest i felt like i took a lot of the heat.

even with that - becky still took care of them? absolutely, i felt bad about it i laid it all on her shoulders and did not take care of it myself.

the relationship between trent & jessie? it wasnt just becky - keith felt the same way? he felt very strongly about it

they showed us texts that didn't make sense and they were very hurtful and keith said im going to stop this

DEFENSE 3rd WITNESS - LINDA RUSSELL - friend of becky - worked at Coldwell Banker

was she proud of her kids? oh you bet

her grandkids ? yes

how were becky and keith together? joking and fun- like any other couple

did you learn there was a separation?yes

how did you learn?  from work

she say anything about keith?

she said he didnt help buy groceries or clean the house but i think she got over that

did she ever say anything of ill will about keith?no

how was keith to becky? really good, one time he even bought her jewelry

how would you describe becky?  smart ,very organized, a people person, friends with everyone much more outgoing than i was

you had an illness? yes

how was becky with your illness? real concerned, just when they said you have to shave your head.  becky came over and shaved my head and offered to shave her own. she took me to buy wigs and hats. 

she wouldn't let me go alone.

she would take you to treatments? scans and stuff like that she was determined i would not go alone

did she ever say things shocking? she would say things to get a reaction

you had not seen her in a traumatic situation? i dont believe so 

so you can t tell us how she would react to something as traumatic as her husband being shot? no 

anything that would make you think she had ill will toward keith? i dont think she did 


how close to keith death did you have dinner or lunch with them? i dunno

i remember i didnt have any hair so that would have been in 2009

so 2 years before he died? yes

how bout trip to port aransas ? maybe 3 years 

she never told you she was having an affair with mark holbrook? no i just heard that at the office

did she ever tell you she was made keith was looking for work in another state? she said they went down to job interview and that she didnt want to leave oklahoma 


Pastor at Bridge 

have you seen a spectrum of emotions after death? yes i have 

so you stand in when sr. pastor cannot be there? yes

you know becky? yes she was a friend of 25 yrs, worked at our church, 

do you remember Sept 20 -21st? yes

tell the jury why that date sticks out to you? there was an incident - i very quickly went to keith and becky's home

what time did you get that call? between 10 and 11 

what time do you think you got there? shortly after

when you get the call are you shocked? yes i was very alarmed worried concerned

do you think that effects your memory? i just do that 

did you visit with becky? she came out and spoke with some of us who were standing there... she had a little dog with her so she gave me the dog to hold.

where did you meet with her? in front of the house - directly north of the house

what did you observe about her? obviously she was distraught- not together and a little frustrated - from what i remember she had been questioned and frustrated cause she wanted to get to the hospital.

she was animated and talking louder

did you go to the hospital? yes

how would you describe what was going on there? just shock and all numb

were kent and trent there? yes 

did you visit with them ? no

visibly how were they ? in control of their emotions

anything strange? i thought it was strange they were not all clustered together as a family.

did you pray with becky? yes we all clustered around keith and prayed for him

there was a chaplain telling everyone things we needed to do - like we should get money out cause they would freeze accounts and how she would live.

what was she like then? 

she wasn't the typical becky she was definitely affected.

she wasn't normal but i wasn't around her all the time 


you said she and keith were involved in a team of premarital counselors? yes 

when the divorce became public did they assume leadership role ? they were active but not in leadership role after that 

after you got to house you waited for some time? yes

and you said she handed a dog to you ? yes

she made comments about the hospital? yes she was wanting to get to the hospital

what else did she say? she said "i think they are trying to pin this on me " it was what i attribute to her frustration

so i understood your testimony shortly after that you went on to hospital? correct 

how long were you there? 2-3 hours

did you ever get to be alone with defendant? no

were there other people at the church? yes did you talk to them

did they express concern? yes 

and were you concerned after that ? yes


at the point ms bryan said they are trying to pin this on me - did you know they had taken and done gun shot residue test on her at the scene? i didn't know what they had done. i knew they were talking to her

and she was frustrated they would not let her leave to go to the hospital ? thats the best i remember they wouldn't let her leave

is that an unnatural conclusion that they wont let her leave and tested her


you didn't know they had done gun shot residue? i dont remember knowing that 

if  they wouldn't let you leave - and if you were in that situation what would you think? 



do you know becky? yes

she is my sister 

people have said you are a step sister or foster sister - are you that person? yes 

but you called her your sister? that what i consider her

did becky treat you like a sister? yes

you found out about shooting?yes

fmo who ? my son

and your son lived with kent? yes 

i called and asked her if she wanted me to come get her? she said yes please.

she said they wouldn't let her leave and she wanted to get to the hospital

and she said their cars were in the crime scene

was she emotional? she was sobbing- heavy crying sobbing

when you get there did she come out to you? yes 

what do you do when you see her? she is sobbing and she got in the car 

did you hug? no it was a quick thing cause we were trying to get her to the hospital

we went to debbies house to get her shoes and jacket cause she was wearing a sleeveless top.

did becky stay in car? yes 

did you see her washing hands or changing clothes or cleaning face or hands ? no

did you see anything that appeared to be blood? no

and what was she like during the car ride? 

she was in shock cause she was sobbing - 

and at some point did things change? yes when we got halfway to the hospital she was siting back there talking to debbie and sharon - i heard her say hey girls i got a picture of a guys penis on my phone  and i said becky you need to stop your husband is in the hospital possibly dying.

and she said well i'm a bad person aren't i for talking like that and i said that doesn't make you a bad person we are just on the way to the hospital

how was she then? she was calming down from the shock like she was physically exhausted.

how long did she stay mellow? for awhile

was she like that all the way to hospital ? yes

were you with her at the hospital? the whole time

what did you do when you got to hospital?

we went in to the little family room - so i wasn't around her when she went to see keith.

and then osbi came and got her - i wasn't around her then

how was she acting then ? like real calm - like she was exhausted

have you ever seen her in that condition? no, not like that

did you see trent and kent? at the hospital

how did they act? crying  

kent & trent both ? i believe

one point her eyes were sitting there trying to shut like she was going to sleep

how did she look physically? worn out

were you in the room with her and keith? not by myself

who was there? the family 

who all was in there ? family - my side, her side

how did she act then? she was concerned about giving a guy that worked with keith his liver

how did she act toward keith?

she got up and went over beside him and kissed him on the side of the cheek and whispered something - i don't know what

what did appear to be? she was sad cause her husband was dying

did it appear to be a genuine moment? yes

how much time did you spend with her? the next day until my brother and his wife came in 

how was she then? calm

what do you mean by that ? just mellow not saying much 

did she stay in that state? yes


you heard your sister make a remark about a penis and you turned around to tell her? yes

would you agree that debbie and sharon are in a better position to see your sister on this trip to the hospital? yes

i think you said - i didn't hear everything? correct

you have said your sister is crying and sobbing and then out of the blue she gets calm and says hey guys you want to see a picture of this penis? yes

did you hear her say anything about inheriting money and moving to hugo? no 

did you hear her say she called him and he hung up ?no 

did you hear her say she still loved him? no 

did you hear her say that she felt bad about having sex with another man that day ?no

i just know they were sitting there laughing and cutting up 


but you saw her being upset? yes

and some point there was a change in her? yes 


we are about a block from where they lived.

can see bryan backyard from house ? yes

did you know keith or becky? yes i met keith at donut shop

you had been down to his house? yes after i met him at donut shop he wanted me to see his shop.

he liked to hit golf balls in my yard  i'd pick up golf balls and say here bryan 

did he joke with you in other ways? yes, he would drive by and flip his siren and i would jump and then we'd laugh

did you ever see him doing construction projects around the house? yes he was always out there

you heard something a few weeks before the murder? yes 

i heard gun shots - about 3 - sounded like gun shots like a rifle or pistol - 

i went in and told my wife but did't call because we were  thinking people  shooting at coyotes or skunk

any other things of significance? 

i was approached by a guy asking to do handy work.  i said no i like to do it myself

you think this was 2 to 3 weeks prior to the shooting ? yes

why does that stand out to you? well all these things stand out to you after that happens

why did that stand out? something about him made me leery of him he kind of intimidated me

what made you leery of him? his looks -- a little gruff

what did he look like? whit medium build kind of athletic

anything stand out about him? something about his face - but i don't remember

what stood out? he was scruffy his facial features - you don't normally get too many people like that in that neighborhood

what kind of vehicle was he driving? older vehicle - pickup

what color? not sure i was thinking it was two tone but not positive

did he ask anything about neighbors? he asked if anyone else in the neighborhood needed help and i said no he then he drove down south

into the neighborhood? yes - not a lot other houses 

why didn't you refer him to other neighbors? i was leery of him

what intimidated you about him? just his actions

so south is in the neighborhood? yes 

and toward the bryan's? yes

did you ever see him again? no

do you remember sept 20th? yes

why?  that when keith was killed 

where were you? i went to newcastle cause my wife and her mother were out back visiting so i took off for a while

when did you come home? about 930

what happened when you pulled in neighborhood? 

a dark colored vehicle zoomed by me and i had to stop before i could  pull in the driveway

why did that stand out? you don't have to wait to turn into driveway - especially at night in our neighborhood

you sad it was a dark vehicle? it was a truck or some type of SUV but it went by so quick. it was going so fast -  could have been able to tell if it is a neighbor

 it was like an 80s model ? yes

did it have its lights on?yes 

and you didn't see the emergency vehicles? no i went to bed

i woke up and saw the police and news down there 


you told us a couple weeks before that you heard 3 gunshots in the middle of the day? correct

you were interviewed by the osbi? yes

The osbi said it happened 2 days later ? that could be right

on the 22nd you told em it was one gun shot? i really thought i told me there was more than one

you thought it was someone shooting a skunk ? correct

the man that came up asking for work you said he was in a truck? yes

you thought he was 5'8 to 6 ft ? i think so he was smaller than me and im 6 ‘2 

and he was scruffy? i think he had scruffy hair- something about his hair

and he had sandy colored hair ? yes 

you wouldn't describe it as a baby face? i dont know

he pulled up in a truck - a full size chevy truck ? two tone color and you told me tan but im not going to say that for sure 

light tan and dark tan? it was two tone

and you believe the model was 1987-92? i believe so an older truck

it had a full size chevy in the tool box or tools?there was something out of the back i believe some tools 

you got home and went to sleep before news - the 10 pm news? yes

how long did you watch baseball game?maybe 10 mins

but you were certain you were asleep before the news?yes

and you didn't hear the sirens?no and i normally hear things

so 730 or 8 the next morning you learned about what happened ? yes 


several things you are certain about on sept 20th? somewhere around 9:30 there is a dark colored pickup or some type suv and it was going so fast that was strange to you? yes


you said that was strange and it happened what time? 930 -935 somewhere in that time 

you said it was strange yet in the osbi report you never mentioned it to them? i didn't think about it til the next day and then started thinking about thing s

but you were sure you were asleep in bed at 10pm? i am sure around

9 to 930 a dark vehicle -  i couldnt tell what kind - came whizzing by me for sure and i am sure i went to bed.

you were in bed at 10 pm? yes


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