Wednesday, November 26th 2014, 10:01 pm
Outrageous that authorities in Missouri didn't swarm Ferguson and arrest every last violent protester and looter this week following the grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson. Here's what you had to say about it.
David first: “..I had the National Guard on stand by, I'd give the order and let these protesters get a taste of what they dish out."
And Christina adds: "I would hand the rebuilding bill over to the police dept. They need to serve and protect."
From Robin: "Its called GANG CULTURE gangs are criminals who use situations such as this to loot and steal and destroy private property."
But Cram says: "At least we all know what side of the fence you stand on Kelly. True colors there buddy... True colors."
June writes: "The step dad who's words were to burn the place should be held accountable for his words."
LaShan says: "I'm not excusing bad behavior but what do you expect when this case was handed so ugly? I expect ugly."
But Debbie writes: "So what you're saying is they had the right to destroy their own city and who gets to pay to rebuild it back better than new?"
Finally from Denise: "Just because you don't get the answer you want doesn't mean you act like a 3 year old and have a temper tantrum."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's YOUR 2 Cents.
November 26th, 2014
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
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February 18th, 2025
February 18th, 2025
February 18th, 2025