Tuesday, December 30th 2014, 10:44 pm
It's sad that we've come to this point, but the OCPD is putting out a pamphlet on how to behave when you come into a contact with a police officer. It should be simple, you treat them with respect and do what they say.
Here's Your 2 Cents on it.
Deb first: "Thanks to OCPD for being proactive. And thanks to News9 and Kelly for reporting the positive!"
Wendy adds: "I have always been treated with respect by the Okcpd when I have been pulled over more often than not respect is a two way street."
But Douglas writes: "you say do what a cop tells you to do. Really? Don't use our own judgement, just blindly follow orders. I can't, in good faith teach my son that. You say only a few are like that. I say only a few have been caught."
Tammie in Tuttle: "I agree - do not run, do not lie, show respect. Parents should be teaching and modeling these behaviors"
Joshua says: "There's a difference between respecting a cop & not letting them harass you or deprive you of your rights."
Tracie from Enid writes: "Very well said Kelly! Should of never come to this, but sadly it has."
Finally Kevin suggests we: "Hang stupid signs on those who need a pamphlet"
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's Your 2 Cents.
December 30th, 2014
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February 7th, 2025