Wednesday, April 13th 2016, 10:24 pm
I talked Tuesday night about the Oklahoma City school superintendent job is the best job nobody wants to keep, a revolving door with 9 superintendents over the last 15 years.
Here's what you had to say about it, Sheila first:
"This is very frustrating for the employees and students of this district! We need someone who will be in it for the long haul. That is the only way we will see progress."
And Karen from Oklahoma City says, "Do a better job of screening applicants. Cut the pay. Get someone who's doing for the kids and not just the pay."
But Chris writes, "The superintendent's job can be a difficult job and a thankless job much like any job in education today, however, I feel that they put a lot of stress on themselves only because they want what is best for our students."
Mindy from Edmond says, "I think it is time for the OKCPS Board to "Hire Local!!" Let's look at some of our own educators who are already invested in our community. Why do we keep looking out of state? Additionally, the search committee should have several classroom teachers on it."
Finally, Wayne weighed in with this on the Oklahoma City superintendent's job, “I will do it for half the pay he gets and I bet I can screw it up as much as he did."
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's Your 2 Cents.
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