Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 7:45 pm
A bill to enlist the public's help in finding those who attack police will now go before Gov. Mary Fallin.
Right now we have Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts. Soon we will likely add “Blue Alerts”, so citizens can keep an eye out for suspects who attack police officers and flee.
“If someone's willing to hurt an officer and then run, you know, this is some of the worst of the worst people. These are people that do not care about the law. We need to get them off the street as soon as possible,” said Sen, Kyle Loveless, R-District 45.
The bill unanimously passed in the senate. It creates a warning, similar to the Amber Alert warnings we see when a child is in danger or the Silver Alerts we see when a senior citizen is missing and possibly in danger. Critics fear, with all these alerts we may become desensitized to them. But Loveless disagrees. He says it's working in other states.
"And even though they've added it, it hasn't watered down the seriousness of it to do something about it. So I don't think it's that big of an issue," Loveless said.
The bill also had bipartisan support in the state house of representatives and Loveless says he expects the governor to sign it into law.
April 19th, 2016
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