Tuesday, September 19th 2017, 11:18 pm
Sanctuary cities are thumbing their nose at Federal law by providing a safe-haven for illegal immigrants, particularly those who commit crimes. Now, California has decided to become a sanctuary state, crazy!
Almost all of you who wrote in agreed, Martha first, "Right on, Kelly! The "leadership" in California are all insane! Not a one of them realizes what the ramifications of this will be."
Carol from Blanchard, "...What are they thinking? I think all Federal aid of any kind should stop going to California or to Chicago for that matter."
Cindy from El Reno says, "I am ashamed to have been born in California… Oh, and let's make California pay for that part of 'the wall', too!"
From Jan in Newalla, "I don't see how this can work. California is expensive place to live. They will have to go to other states to provide for themselves."
Kay asks, "What happened to the rule of law? Do we only have to go by the ones we like?"
From Pearl in Edmond, "Wait until someone famous, or a celebrity is killed by one of those criminals that are there for sanctuary…"
Finally, this from John in Enid, "Thank God you only have two cents to spout your racism. By the way I am a Native American, you probably want us gone too"
John, that's one for the books.
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's Your 2 Cents.
September 19th, 2017
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
February 17th, 2025
February 17th, 2025
February 17th, 2025