Wednesday, August 29th 2018, 11:58 am
Organizers for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon announced several changes to the course during a news conference on Wednesday.
One of the most notable changes will be where the finish line will be. Instead of finishing at Automobile Alley, the marathon will finish at Hudson and Sheridan in 2019. In 2020, all five races will end at Scissortail Park.
Organizers said 2019 will test out the new course ahead of the marathon's 20th anniversary in 2020. Highlights of the new course include running south on Robinson to Reno, west on Reno to Walker, south over the bridge and past Little Flower Church and then east on SW 15 Street in between the Oklahoma River and what will be lower Scissortail Park.
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt said the inclusion of south Oklahoma City to the new route will highlight and include Oklahoma City's Hispanic community in this important event.
Runners will turn back north on Robinson and turn east at the Chesapeake Arena through Thunder Alley. The course will remain the same along Sheridan to Lincoln.
Another big change includes marathon runners no longer running to and along Lake Hefner.
At the 2019 finish line, the Myriad Gardens have an outdoor concert, food and other amenities after the race.
The Oklahoma City streetcars and EMBARK buses will run on the Sunday.
The first 500 runners to register in the marathon will be able to register at 2018's prices with the coupon code 2018. The code expires on Sunday, Sept. 2.
Below is a map of the 2019 course:
August 29th, 2018
November 13th, 2024
October 28th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
February 18th, 2025
February 18th, 2025
February 18th, 2025