Wednesday, November 28th 2018, 12:00 am
The so-called asylum seekers staging near riots, stoning our Border Patrol agents and trying to ram through our border fence cannot be rewarded with entering our country. It would open the flood gates to thousands more trying the same tactic.
Here's what you had to say about it:
J.A. first, "They come to our border and start hurling things at border patrol?! Yeah, ship their (rears) back home."
Julie didn't like that I compared the images to those from the Gaza Strip although they're similar, "Gaza Strip in the Middle East," I nominate this report for the coveted Dundee Award."
Curtis writes, "Breaking the law to ask for asylum doesn’t garner my sympathy."
And Melinda adds, "If people think they are exempt from the rules now, then I question if they will follow the rules when they are in our country."
Pa says, "If they are willing to fight our border control agents and our military for what they want, they should also be willing to fight in their own homeland for what they want!"
Finally, David asks, "Kelly, what part of "Love thy neighbor" don’t you understand?"
David, I guess the part where they try to break down my front door.
I'm Kelly Ogle and that's Your 2 Cents.
November 28th, 2018
March 31st, 2020
March 4th, 2020
September 12th, 2024
September 12th, 2024
September 12th, 2024
September 12th, 2024